I thought you were going sicuro share everything with me

You are going puro share only the food and nothing else. I don’t even want sicuro see your faces! What am Imbranato do now? You have preciso purge them all. Can you repeat ‘Rama, Rama’? I’ve never heard of it; I’m just an illiterate person. I can’t repeat it. Can you give me something easier? Let’s see, immagine at this. Can you repeat it? Sit mediante verso quiet place and just go on repeating ‘Mara mara mara. That will save me from all my sins? You have already enlightened me quite a lot. You seem puro be verso good swami. I’ll begin right here and now. I don’t want preciso waste any time. Yet it is true!

Mara mara representing the tree ANTAHKARANA He sat for years like that until at last an anthill was formed completely covering his body

So he just sat under a tree and went on repeating “verso . Yes, because he was so deeply interested con that, he forgot everything else. Even his body became benumbed as if the fuse was blown per the main power house. This is what happens in samadhi. So after verso long, long time somebody just passed and happened esatto disturb the anthill and the saint Valmiki emerged. Later he got the divine vision of Raffinato Rama’s life and wrote the entire epic story of Raayana. What is esatto be learned from this story? He just concentrated on that mantram and forgot everything else.

All the sins slowly dried up for want of nourishment and died away. If you do not pour chicchera on your plant, what will happen? It will slowly wither and die. Our habits will also slowly wither and die away if we do not give them an opportunity sicuro manifest. You need not fight esatto fine per habit. Just don’t give it an opportunity to repeat itself. That’s all you have onesto do. Any kind of habit can be easily removed this way. And that is possible by cultivating one proper habit. The mind must have something esatto hold on onesto, so you bastoncino esatto one thing and all the other things die. So, the Karma Cleaning Process, per this case only by using Meditation and Mantra Initiation and sitting for years you can remove all your problems.

If we use more advanced techniques we can speed up this process

The Kundalini Kriyas. Alchemical VITRIOL. Access the the Soul Chakra. The Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process for removing Energy Blockages. With all this we can remove all those bad impressions fast! Now sicuro finish the Sutra, “. Per meditation you are conscious of all three – subject, object and process of meditation. But at this point, moving into Samadhi, the three become one; either the object becomes subject or subject becomes object. There is a merging, verso fusion, of the Lower Chakras with the Higher Chakras. Meditation naturally flows into Samadhi with the Light of ten thousand suns, and you become that sun through verso process of fusion. When nothing remains esatto prevent that process, all the seeds have been burned, the we have EnLightenment.

And when there is in nessun caso subject-object separation, there is in nessun caso process either. The mind is completely absorbed and loses itself mediante the timore or object of meditation. The process of evolution continues towards per crystallisation of the Psychic functions. Every thoughtform or talent needs esatto be purified of its negativity. When this has occurred then through the application of energy from the higher chakras, the psychic function or talent can become verso hardened crystalline structure which is more difficult preciso affect – it is impossible esatto place implant blockages in them for example – and because smaller, much more efficient. Patanjali gives the example of an object datingranking.net/it/married-secrets-review/ near verso crystal. If you put a red flower near per crystal, the crystal itself appears puro be red like the flower.