What to Know About Swinging Before You Try It Yourself

What to Know About Swinging Before You Try It Yourself When you think of the word swinger, you might hear Mike Myers saying the word in his iconic Austin Powers voice. (“Swinger, baby, yeah!”) I think a lot of people hear the word and immediately think of the ’60s and ’70s and sex parties, says Daniel Saynt, founder and chief conspirator of The New Society for Wellness (NSFW), a private members club for the adventurous. But the term “swinger” doesn’t just apply to your kinky uncle Robert who attended a swingers party a half-century ago. Swingers-people in relationships who hook up with other people in relationships-are alive and well today, and the practice of “swinging” might even be more common than you think. So, who are swingers, exactly? Swingers are married or coupled individuals who enjoy sexual experiences with other married or coupled individuals, explains Saynt. They may occasionally seek out unicorns (a.k.a. a single, non-coupled person) to add to their lovemaking equation. Saynt notes that most swingers who attend NSFW play (sex) parties arrive together in a “quad,” so they have no intention of sleeping with other people they meet at the gathering; they brought the other couple they want to have sex with. Now, there are some couples who go to sex clubs and only have sex with their partner, or who have sex alongside another committed couple. This isn’t quite swinging, and would more likely be defined as group sex or exhibitionism. […]