Nor do we guarantee that that this is the most suitable loan for You in the current marketplace

Nor do we guarantee that that this is the most suitable loan for You in the current marketplace You expressly agree that Company shall not be liable for any damages or costs of any type arising out of or in any way connected with the loan You enter into or Your use of this Site. To register for Company’s services, You must agree to these Terms & Conditions of Use, as well as Company’s Privacy Policy and E-Consent. You must also accurately complete and submit one or more forms that require certain personal, employment, and financial information. Financial Service Providers may verify Your social security number, perform credit checks with reporting bureaus, review Your information against national consumer transaction databases and/or obtain consumer reports through alternative providers Once You submit Your information, we share it with Financial Service Providers. The collection, direct lenders for bad credit loans in Arkansas use, and sharing of this information is subject to these Terms & Conditions of Use, and Company’s Privacy Policy and E-Consent. By registering for Company’s services, You understand that You are requesting a referral for a loan from the Financial Service Providers with whom we may share Your information. You further understand that such Financial Service Providers may contact You via email, telephone/mobile device and direct mail so that they may assist You in obtaining the loan requested. Financial Service Providers, Company and/or third party marketing partners may also provide information to You about additional services and products that you may be interested in. Company does not endorse, recommend, or guarantee the loan availability, price, product, availability, rates, fees or any other loan terms of Financial Service Providers. […]